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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Chilli and rice

This is a firm family favourite especially when served with warm tortillas

To serve 4 you will need:

2 tablespoons olive oil
500g beef mince (fresh or frozen)
2 medium onions
2 medium carrots
250g mushrooms
1 425g tin baked beans
1 425g tin chopped tomatos
1 green chilli
1/2 teaspoon tobasco sauce or 1 heaped teaspoon chilli powder
300g rice


Finely chop the carrots and onion and fry gently on a low heat until soft.

Turn up the heat and add the mince, fry until the mince is browned

Turn the heat down to moderate

Finely chop the chilli and add to the meat mixture along with the tobasco sauce or chilli powder

Add beans and tomatos.

Slice the mushrooms and add to the mixture.

Turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for about an hour or longer if you have time. Stirring occasionally.

Serve with rice and tortillas

I cook mine for about 5 hours in the slow cooker and its lovely!

Sometimes I will blitz up some vegitables such as a pepper or some carrots and add it to the mixture with the beans. Just to add a bit of extra goodness to it, and this way the children don't know it's there!


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